Snap-On TDM-117A Metric Tap and Die Set Incomplete

Snap-On TDM-117A Metric Tap and Die Set Incomplete
Snap-On TDM-117A Metric Tap and Die Set Incomplete
Snap-On TDM-117A Metric Tap and Die Set Incomplete
Snap-On TDM-117A Metric Tap and Die Set Incomplete
Snap-On TDM-117A Metric Tap and Die Set Incomplete
Snap-On TDM-117A Metric Tap and Die Set Incomplete

Snap-On TDM-117A Metric Tap and Die Set Incomplete
The product is a Snap-On TDM-117A Metric Tap and Die Set, manufactured in the United States. It is a set of tools used for threading and is designed to metric measurements. The set includes taps and dies, but it is incomplete.

One tap has some rust on it you can see in closeup picture but mostly looks unused.

Snap-On TDM-117A Metric Tap and Die Set Incomplete

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